Contact me on Twitter.
- CSS Cleaner A pure JS tool for CSS garbage collecting. 15.05.2017
- Screen Diff Diff tool for different height screenshots. 14.05.2017
- A truely dockerized app What it is and how to verify yours? 09.05.2017
- Docker based A/B testing and demo servers A/B testing with Blue-Green Deployment 08.05.2017
- So different JavaScript JavaScript welcomes everybody with any background. 07.05.2017
- Functional programming in browser A really architecturally enlightening post 15.02.2016
- Linux Containers (lxc) in Linode (xen) Virtualization squared. 09.12.2012
- Native inheritance in JavaScript Warning! This aerobatics performed without safety net! 06.04.2011
- Notes on HTTP headers management in nginx Trying to express complex things in English. 14.05.2010
- Is the object empty? How do you know an object does have any properties? 29.01.2010
- Highlighting hardcode JavaScript Like TextMate, but better. 28.01.2010
- JavaScript memory management in nginx Interlacing native nginx structures and their representatives in JS. 03.12.2009
- Simpliest CGI script C, Perl, Ruby, Python, JavaScript (SpiderMonkey). 09.12.2008
- String.interpolateJS() Simplies possible JS template engine. 22.11.2008
- Gray tips in text inputs Like in the iPhone. 14.11.2008
- CMS Builder is alive Feeling nostalgic about my CMS framework. 06.09.2008
- highlight.js as a Firefox extension Wrapping Highlighter with Firefox. 05.09.2008
- New in Google AJAX API Deferred API loading and geolocation. 03.09.2008
- meta imagetoolbar replacement To those who tired of adding this tag to each and every page. 03.09.2008
- I wisper XHTML… How to parse HTML on an XHTML page. 12.10.2007